The World of The Gunny

The Wasted World of Gunnery Sergeant DeShane
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 Post subject: The Terminators
PostPosted: 19 Dec 2005 22:11 
Warrant Officer 1
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Data Provided by Christopher Shields


Endoskeleton Series 800 CSM Model 101 (INFILTRATOR / TERMINATOR)

A logical advance over the T600 model, the T800 model used higher technology to produce a unit that was 20% lighter and 40% more powerful. The T800's advanced sensor package was the best that SKYNET could produce, edging past the Series 1200 Scout in some ranges. The T800 was fully armored in a hyperalloy sheath around vital areas, with critical components being housed in case-hardened constructions. its nuclear plant was heavily armored and in the event of critical damage, a secondary power source was installed to allow the unit a margin of time to continue / complete its mission. The T800 used frictionless bearings in its joints allowing the unit to maneuver through its range of motions faster than the T600. Bursts of sustained high speed no longer threatened the joint assemblies.


The main advantage of the T800 series over the earlier series was that the T800 was built with the most advanced control system that SKYNET could produce, a mechanical imitation of the human brain; a fiber-wafer neural net processor. When set to autonomous mode, it could 'learn' like a human, actually becoming more efficient as time went on and experience built. The first initial production units were sent into the field and were recalled after several missions so that their data could be downloaded and analyzed by SKYNET.

Many T800s were produced in a single variant; the 800 Series Model 101 Cyborg or CYBernetic ORGanism, a hybrid of specially grown synthetic living tissue covering the microprocessor controlled hyperalloy armored endoskeleton. Using advanced techniques, SKYNET finally produced a machine capable of passing as a human. Bad breath, body odor, sweat, blood, tears, and a host of other bodily excretions made the organic camouflage package perfect. A T800 with custom vat grown skin could pass for a human 95% of the time, unless a trained spotter dog was present. Moderate to heavy damage to the unit would reveal the armored endoskeleton under the organic camouflage and thus corrupt the infiltration process.

The organic camouflage was unique in that it had a high rate of self healing and regenerative capacities, on the order of seven to one of that of a normal human being. Specialized repair units were equipped to graft on dermal patches of new skin to repair the organic camouflage in the field, but heavily damaged units often required that the organic camouflage be removed (via a process of flash incineration), repairs completed, and a new organic camouflage coating applied. The process took upwards of fifteen hours to complete, from the time that the endoskeleton was placed in the synthetic tissue generating vat-womb to the time that the cyborg emerged. Reprogramming of the cyborg via a spinal and cranial tap included protocols on how to imitate and mimic human behavior, known social nuances, and a restriction on the movement of the joints, which would more appropriately simulate the range of motion that a human could produce, rather than a machine. Early combat trials of the cyborg units found that the full range of motion that the endoskeletons were capable of would surpass the elastic boundary of the organic camouflage, thus ripping or tearing the camouflage. This accidental damage to the organic camouflage would often reveal the Infiltrator for its true nature. Subsequent examinations of the rather limited range limits of human motion (as conducted in SKYNET's automated labs using a variety of techniques on live test subjects) produced a definitive set of protocols for the limiting or reduction in range of motion that was to accompany all cyborg Infiltration / Terminator units. Once the organic camouflage was invalidated, the range of motion limitations were relegated to sub-duty in the processor array and full motion subroutines were again restored for maximum combat effectiveness.

Collaborated field reports of T800 units infiltrating underground Resistance bunkers and achieving complete tactical success were common. The casualty rates claimed for the T800 series, especially the cyborg variant, were far greater than that of the T600; on the order of 200 to 1 and climbing. Many cyborg variants were produced, with each 'model' including a slightly different height, hair color, hair style, hair texture, skin color, eye color, etc. The same style of unit was never used twice in one area for tactical considerations and SKYNET kept its variants in constant rotation.

The T800 became the main ground unit of SKYNET in the later years of the war, with total production eclipsing the other T series combined. Many thousands of T800s were operated in automatic mode, directly linked to SKYNET's tactical servers. When SKYNET went off-line, about 95% of the remaining T800s went with it. However, several thousand T800 series had been switched from automatic to autonomous mode and these wild units had to still be dealt with by the Resistance, even after the victory.

Research of data compiled during field use of the T800 lead directly to the design of the ultimate endoskeleton assault chassis, the T900.



 Post subject: T-600 GAUNT/REAVER MODELS
PostPosted: 20 Dec 2005 20:05 
Warrant Officer 1
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SKYNET used many different unorthodox tactics during the War, more so in the first and last stages of the engagement than at any other time. The first stage of the War was one where mankind was slowly recovering from the massive nuclear strikes and SKYNET was just starting to extend its control over the initial territories that it would come to hold for most of the War. During this phase, mankind was nearly beaten, the small groups of survivors were isolated, and SKYNET had a tremendous advantage if it could just get its production facilities established. SKYNET felt that it could afford the luxury of playing with the few survivors, of doing long term testing of machine types while it built up its infrastructure. The sudden appearance of the Resistance was almost as shocking as the realization that such an organized human institution would have taken years to develop and coordinate, years that SKYNET was unaware of its existence.

The last stages of the War saw a desperate SKYNET resorting to untried, often ad-hoc designs, stop-gap measures and odd strategies to defeat what had become a relentless adversary intent on SKYNET's destruction. Two of those ad-hoc designs were the T500-R "Reaver" series and the T600-G "Gaunt." Both units were designed for psychological warfare, to instill terror and uncertainty among the ranks of the scattered Resistance units. SKYNET reasoned that if it could instill enough uncertainty or fear into the human survivors that it would have a ripple effect and would slow the spread of the Resistance.

Desperation often breeds innovation, and the psychological warfare projects of SKYNET were innovative to say the least. Human test subjects were used extensively in the development of these two units and their reactions were gauged accordingly throughout all aspects of unit performance. Production tests of the 600R series would often include using live test subjects in a controlled environment, pitting single or multiple test subjects directly against the 600R series. Often, SKYNET would either allow direct observation of the field test by the other test subjects or would feed live video into their holding cells, often increasing the volume accordingly. Fear was a carefully measured aspect of each test subject, their brain waves could be monitored passively, as could their vital signs; heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, brain waves, electrical output of the body as a whole, etc. SKYNET found that both the T600 and the T500-R series were very effective in creating fear and panic among test subjects, and this fear often spread. New test subjects introduced into the holding cells quickly adopted the same fear shown by test subjects that had been there for days before hand. Sometimes, as test subjects shared information about what they had observed, other test subjects were observed to go into various states of either hyper activity or a lesser level of activity bordering on catatonia. Neither state, SKYNET observed, was conducive to effective combat operations.

SKYNET soon found that specific frequencies of ultra-sonic sound waves mixed with specific electromagnetic field variations could directly affect the human mind and nervous system in a detrimental yet not-fatal way. Projecting high powered broadcasts from an omni-directional sending unit caused test subjects to become more frightened, to experience larger instances of panic, and to become less effective in combat. Certain frequencies of sound waves could cause panic and fear in the test subjects and these frequencies were carefully studied. The nearer the test subject was to the broadcast generator, the more profound the effect was on the test subject. SKYNET even experimented with directional senders, able to broadcast this wave form in a linear cone, a test which met with a high degree of success. Stimulation of live subjects by the field effect produced remarkable results, from a direct observed reduction in aggression, to an inability to act, to the fine body hairs being charged and forced to stand on end, especially along the face, arms, and back of the neck of test subjects. When this effect was matched to digital sampling of test subjects previously terminated or in the process of being terminated, with the volume and sampling matched to the wave effect perfectly, the overall result was quite profound.

Abject terror and involuntary paralysis of the human nervous system, voiding of bladder and bowels, hydrostatic lock of muscle groups, and a major decrease in the effectiveness of combat tactics. Thus SKYNET had produced what the Resistance would eventually call a 'fear field generator' or FFG as it colloquially became known. The FFG, like the later biological and chemical compounds produced by the renegade AI, were just a few of the weapons that the Resistance could not turn around and use on the Machines. This generator was somewhat bulky, and linear due to the magnetic wave form acceleration coil packs required to modulate the EM frequencies at the specific levels required to produce the desired effect. SKYNET's attempts to integrate the FFG into an existing unit proved unsuccessful as the modifications required to mount the unit often created severe structural compromises that were unacceptable.

SKYNET then approached the design problem from the opposite angle, and built a unit around the FFG, rather than trying to integrate the FFG into an existing unit. The result was the T600-G series, which was known as the "Gaunt" by Resistance forces, named for its long, willowy form. The "Gaunt" lived up to its name sake. At over three meters height (ten feet) and nearly a metric ton in displacement, the T600-G was tall and had an emancipated look to the design. The arms and legs were long and waspish, the torso was narrow and tapered, with the FFG running coaxial to the main spinal brace. Two high output hydrogen power cells were installed in the central torso, one to each side of the FFG, to handle the power requirements of the unit. These were located in armored berths, behind plate armored hardened covers and were only accessible through the rear of the chassis. From the front, the Gaunt was protected by better than three centimeters of case hardened hyperalloy that was durabonded and cold-rolled to form a lightweight but vacuous cradle for the internal components.

The FFG was controlled by two dedicated microprocessor arrays. Directional broadcast units were installed in each arm, near the wrist of the unit, a wide spread array was installed to the rear of the torso, and the coil flash-over reducers actually exited the armored torso, running along the exterior of the spinal array. When the FFG was operating, these coil flash reducers would prevent static buildup along the FFG array, a side effect was that each CFOR tended to glow a deep cobalt blue while in operation, a side effect of the energy being produced and broadcast. Two CFORs were also mounted along the cranial module, running from the rear at the base of the attachment point up, around the top, and almost touching in the front.

The total visual aspect of the T600-G was carefully tailored to instill as much passive fear as possible. The normally polished surface was dulled through industrial etching and a matte dark gray finish was molecularly bonded to the outer armor layer giving it a very worn, very old look.

The arms of the unit were composed of two, 1.5 meter long segments of hydraulic and servo ram assisted housing. Free rotational joints were used, giving the T600-G an incredible amount of motion throughout the entire range of movement. The hands and digital manipulators of the Gaunt were also exaggerated, lengthened into the surreal imitation of nightmarishly long fingers, and each finger ended in a twenty centimeter long serrated hyperalloy blade that could punch through steel armor plating or cut through anything less in one servo powered swipe.

The legs of the unit were likewise exaggerated, long and lean, giving a T600-G at full speed a very easily recognized gait and step. Balance was also a consideration in the construction of the foot modules, which were four toed claws that could be used for striking as well as grabbing and manipulating. The T600-G could even scale vertical walls by driving its claws and toe claws into the building material and climbing by strength alone, a tactic found out too late by many Resistance units.

The reflexes of the T600-G were pushed to design limits, giving it above average speed, strength, and reaction time, all carefully controlled through a dedicated microprocessor array that worked independently of the main processor array. Sensors were the same as the T600-S variant, as was the ability to sample, edit, and broadcast sound, the processor and broadcast unit which would later be reproduced and installed on the T600-R series units. The T600-G's cranial module was also sculpted, to form a very death-like visage designed to inspire fear through visual acuity alone and the ocular arrays were deeper set, given a very skull-like semblance.

Records indicate that at least three of the field test units were sent out with specially tailored black, tattered ballistic nylon fiber optically adaptive camouflage cowls to further enhance the psychological effect. This last item proved to be key in spreading fear among the survivors in the ruins, of a tall shape, shrouded in tattered black cloth, which hunted among the wreckage and rubble. These "Dark Angels" as some called them, came to be feared greatly among the dim witted and the superstitious. A fact that was not lost to SKYNET and its psych-warfare development. the optically adaptive camouflage cowls allowed the T600-G to draw in upon itself, wrap itself in the cloak while hiding in the shadows. The material of the cloak was a passive modulator which tried to adapt and blend each cell of its construction to the color of the surroundings, a process which often took about forty-five seconds to accomplish. While the T600-G was powered down, with its cloak pulled over and hunched up in the shadows, it was very hard to detect visually, let alone by electronic means.

The T600-G was also a master of ambush, able to construct snares, traps, and other camouflaged means of both escaping detection and of dispatching targets. On at least four occasions, T600-G units were known to hide in partially collapsed basements or under light debris, pouncing out to attack at the last possible instant. Another favorite tactic was to hang upside down by its toe claw mounts, coiled up upon its chassis, and passively scanning for targets. When an unsuspecting human walked underneath, the "Gaunt" would rapidly power up, reach down, and physically acquire the target, rending and tearing it to pieces as it lifted it off the ground. Such brutal target destruction was often the key to inspiring fear in the human survivors, and SKYNET programmed the T600-Gs to take advantage of all types of macabre data from man's collective history. Heads were mounted on top of piles of rubble, words were written on the walls of ruins using the severed limbs of targets, and many bodies were discovered that had been mutilated in horrendous ways. When the T600-G was set to autonomous mode, and learning enabled, some units began to display unique personality traits, such as the collecting of trophies (heads, hands, teeth, etc.). Not all of these trophies were taken after the target was terminated, some were taken prior to termination or as part of the termination process. Corpses featuring severed limbs, neat amputations, or decapitations were often found in the ruins during the day in very visible sites or along known human paths of travel. The T600-G series ruled the night for many years, and up until the Final Victory, there were still some rear echelon support areas reporting T600-G like activity.

The 500R series was a direct engagement unit, but the 600-G series was more clandestine. While the 500-R ruthlessly pursued any human it detected, it did so with a feral outlook. The 600 series was much more methodical in the completion of its missions.


 Post subject: T-500 Series
PostPosted: 20 Dec 2005 20:10 
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Endoskeleton Series 500 Model 100- (INFILTRATOR / TERMINATOR)

Using the data obtained from field use of the T200 and T300 series units, SKYNET reached the conclusion that the reason that humans had survived for so long was that they were incredibly adaptable, especially to different terrains and environmental conditions. The very design of the human body allowed a great deal of freedom of movement over a variety of terrain and in areas that the Series 300 units could not access nor could the T200 units gain an effective foot hold.

The heavy pacification campaigns conducted by SKYNET began to drive the human Resistance underground, deep into the ruins. More and more battles were fought using guerilla tactics, a range of tactics that the current models of HKs were ill-designed to utilize or adapt to. Specialized human sapper teams, highly trained in guerilla tactics and ambush techniques, would prowl the ruins, waiting to ambush and defeat the 500 series Machines. Other Resistance units, equipped with a limited stock of liberated pre-War man portable surface to air guided missiles, were recording unacceptable losses against the 400 series Aerial units. Even combined arms doctrine of having the 400 series Aerials escort and provide over-watch for the patrolling 500 series pacificationunits was only marginal effective in reducing losses between the two units.

It soon became apparent to SKYNET that the humans could readily maneuver and strike from positions that were just not reachable by any of the currently fielded HK series of units. SKYNET began to see that even the 300 series units could not track the humans back to their underground headquarters and staging areas; the maneuverability of the 300 series was on the order of a Ostrich, not a human being, and a locked door or a barricaded entrance way proved more than a adequate defense against even 100 series units. A new unit was needed, a HK unit that could simulate the exact range of movement that a human being could, a unit no larger or wider than a human being; a fully anthropomorphic hunter killer design designed to incur every advantage that the human body enjoyed in movement without any of the weaknesses. Data obtained from the trials of the 200 series and the 300 series units produced the design parameters for the T500 series.

Studying human anatomy, SKYNET produced the first of the endoskeletal based HK units. A microprocessor controlled, hyperalloy armored combat chassis was fitted to servo hydraulic actuators. The T500 looked like a gleaming metal skeleton, it could move faster than a human, had sensors that were lighter yet just as powerful as those of the Series 1200 Scout, and had three modes of operation; direct, automatic, and autonomous. The new T500 could be directed by SKYNET directly like a puppet, it could react automatically to a wide variety of pre-programmed conditions, or the individual units could be relinquished to their own control and act independently for months on end, combing the ruins on extended search and destroy missions. Memory for the T500 series was set to read only, thus its available responses to any given tactical situation were limited and after a time, predictable.

The T500 was armored in a half centimeter hyperalloy sheath which offered superior protection from small arms fire and to a limited extent, from explosions and energy weapons. The T500, thanks to its advanced hydraulics, could perform superhuman feats of strength, never got fatigued, never had to rest, breathe, or eat. it was the perfect hunter, tireless, remorseless, merciless, dedicated, and capable. The T500 stood 2 meters tall and weighed almost 400kg.

The unit was fast, able to maintain a constant run at 60 kph with short bursts of up to 75 kph, but these speed bursts taxed the servos and the joints of the leg assemblies. The T500 could dead lift five times its own weight or punch through concrete and metal with no damage to its reinforced servos. The main armament of the T500 was the Westinghouse M25A1 series plasma rifle but its design and manipulator hands allowed it to use any standard small arm or weapon including stocks of pre-War small arms. The programming of the T500 included detailed information files on all known small arms of the world (circa 1997 A.D.) as well as detailed files on human anatomy, behavior and logic. Resistance casualties were on the order of 80 to 1 in odds against the T500's improved performance, with the odds edging higher in the first few months of introduction when the unit caught the Resistance off guard and mankind was ill-equipped to deal with a brand new design that could track it anywhere.

The T500 was officially classified as a "Infiltrator" and a "Terminator" unit, a first for SKYNET's designs. The Terminator designation was obvious, but the Infiltrator status was special. Now, SKYNET had a unit with which to take the fight back to the Resistance. All previous and post models now would bear the designation "Terminator" but only the T500, T800 and T1000 models would also carry the designation "Infiltrator".

SKYNET would try many new tactics with the T500 line of HK units, including covering the unit in a latex pseudo-skin and trying to pass it off as a human. This tactic worked, but only at range. Up close, the T500-I model failed to pass for human, but it was a promising start for SKYNET and required a dedicated sub-processor assembly to fully analyze the tactical importance of fielding a unit capable of being mistaken for a human.

A notable T500 variant was the T500C or "Drone" unit. The T500C was a maintenance unit, with all combat programming and hardware stripped during production. Sensors were bare minimum required to perform repair and maintenance. T500C units acted as wardens at human concentration camps where armed resistance was almost nonexistent. The T500C could still beat a human in hand to hand combat but also gave SKYNET a unit that could fit into the places that humans had originally designed for themselves to be able to reach when SKYNET was still supposed to serve the human race. T500Cs were never encountered on the battlefield, and when SKYNET went off-line, 99% of the T500Cs in operation died with it. The T500C acted as the eyes, ears, and hands of SKYNET, controlled directly by the super computer.

T500R "Reaver" -R variant, psychological warfare unit

Another short lived production variant of the T500 was the T500R or "Reaver" model as it became known by Resistance units. This aberration was designed to frighten and intimidate the Resistance fighters in a bold design and tactical project based on research into using fear in psychological warfare. The T500R used a standard T500 chassis, but mounted the sensors in the upper torso in an armored blister, doing away with the head mount altogether. The forearms were increased in length by fifty percent in order to mount the higher capacity hydraulic rams that powered the heavier duty manipulator unit motors. The five digit manipulative fingers were replaced with slightly exaggerated serrated claws and the finger tips with razor sharp monofilament edged blades which drew the power to maintain their containment fields directly through high capacity leads attached to the power plant itself.

The unit's speed was increased through stronger hydraulics and better mounts and all sound absorption material was removed, creating the loudest of all bipedal mobile units. The T500R was introduced in a limited production run of 200 units. Deployed to the battlefield, the T500R struck terror into Resistance fighters who coined the term "Headless" or "Ghoul" for the unit. T500Rs would acquire targets, intercept them at a high speed lope, and dispatch them with the hydraulically powered blades, often to the point of overkill in ripping the victim into tattered remains. Some T500Rs would slowly kill their acquired targets, especially if other members of the Resistance were known to be watching or hiding in the vicinity; all for the single purpose of instilling fear of the machine into the human psyche. Detailed anatomy and medical files were part of the databases of the T500R, information that was constantly updated through field exercise and SKYNET's own live subject testing procedures done in its automated labs. As the years went by, the T500Rs became some of the most effective killers ever produced, though their lack of ranged armament restricted their use to ambush and lightly defended rear echelon areas and warrens. The T500R was a terror weapon, and it worked. However, possessing no ranged weapons and only close combat / hand to hand armament, the Resistance soon learned that the proper way to deal with a T500R was to engage it as far away as possible with conventional anti-armor or high energy weaponry.

SKYNET reprogrammed the T500Rs tactical doctrine to adopt a guerilla warfare subroutine and soon the remaining T500Rs were going dormant, hiding in debris and destroyed buildings, patrolling the sewers and subway stations, waiting on targets to wander into detection range. By then, it was generally too late for the target. The T500R was adept at lurking in the ruins, its matte finish helping it to blend in with the debris in order to allow it greater camouflage capacity.

The chassis and suspension of the T500R was also modified in the later -B model to incorporate hyper rotational joints which moved on frictionless bearing rings. The legs and arms were further modified by being lengthened some fifty percent and there was initial confusion that the T500R -B variant might have actually been a variant of the T500 "Gaunt" but detailed post combat disassembly by Resistance scavenger teams proved that while similar in appearance, the two models did not use common parts.

The -B models could squat down, tucking their legs and arms in around them to present a very small center of mass, thus presenting a smaller cross section in which to be spotted. Using power conservation management subroutines, the T500R could loiter in a given hunt area for weeks, its sensors passively searching for acoustic and thermal spikes which would represent targets of opportunity entering the area. Once a target was identified and selected as a valid engagement choice, the T500R would rapidly bring power to its primary systems (a process that took 1.67 seconds to achieve) and would unfold from its loiter configuration. The servos of the T500R were purposely designed to whine more loudly when under load. This was achieved by making the servos thinner and increasing frictional load on non-bearing surfaces. Tests in both the field and controlled lab environments showed that the sound of the T500R's servos, especially when the unit was moving and operating at high speed, had a detrimental effect on the morale of Resistance units. A limited number of T500R units were given replicating vocoders so that they could sample the sounds of their victims and then digitally edit, mix, and rebroadcast these sound files at levels approaching 90 standard decibels. The effect of this reintroduction of victim sounds to the ambient environment was shown to further decrease morale among Resistance forces, as proven by both automated lab tests and actual field exercises.

T500-S -S variant, ELINT scout unit

The T500-S was produced with advanced Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) features and an enhanced scout electronic suite. Liquid crystal equipped variable pan and scan optics were installed (an option that would become standard on the later T800 series) with wide angle aperture mountings. Motion and acoustic sensors were upgraded to the -S specifications and the thermal imaging systems were updated with the -V3.79C build, which offered higher resolution and cryogenic cooling of the image processing array. The cranial shell of the T500-S had to be increased in size and was a new mold rather than a modification of the existing unit. SKYNET also situated both the main CPU and the backup CPU of the T500 into the chest cavity with access to the processor through an armored plate on the back of the chassis. The optic mounts were also modified and given a longer track so that they could be moved to cover greater than a 270 degree angle of vision. The high sensitivity acoustic sensors were mounted lower and slightly to the rear of the new cranial form, while the olfactory sensors remained in their standard position. Two sub-processors worked to control and coordinate the ocular arrays, which could be moved independently on their mounts to cover different aspects. Information gathered from the ocular sensors was filtered by the dedicated sub-processor before being relegated to the main CPU for review. While the new ocular mounts afforded the T500-S a great deal of sensor coverage not available to the normal T500 unit, initial tests showed that the movement of the ocular sensors greatly disturbed the live test subjects who observed the operation of the ocular mounts. This reaction was noted and accepted.

The T500-S was able to go where the Series 1200 Scouts could not and T500-S models worked closely with other larger units to track large movements of Resistance units as well as venturing below ground to gather tactical and strategic data on Resistance strong holds and movements. Often, when SKYNET deployed special operations (SPEC-OPS) braces of endoskeletons, the braces were made up of one T500-S acting as point and brace coordinator, followed by four to five T500 (later T800) series units with one of those invariably being either a -T variant or a -W variant. Although more costly in time and materials than the Series 1200, the T500-S had many advantages over the older scout series.

The T500-S was more maneuverable, faster, better armored and could also be armed with the same weapon load-out that the standard T500 unit could which meant that it could be issued, operate, or obtain any standard small arm or light support weapon in use at that time.

Only three thousand and sixty five T500-S units were produced and over half were still in service by the time of the Final Victory.

T500-T -T "Tank" Heavy Support Variant-

The T500 series chassis proved to be so adaptable that SKYNET implemented many designs on that particular model, some of which saw field use and some of which did not. The -T variant was a limited production unit which met with a high degree of success in both controlled and field operations. SKYNET's need for a medium to heavy support unit for its small unit tactics was a given. Initial protocols were based around designing large scale, rapid fatigue plasma weapons and issuing those to selected endoskeleton models. The initial development of the heavy plasma guns found that the existing T500 series did not have the capacity to fully utilize this weapon to its full potential and initial field exercises met with mixed results. The chassis was not strong enough to handle the output of this weapon, nor was the power plant of the unit. Self contained power plants were introduced, mounted in armored carriers and attached to the rear of the chassis, but their mass caused undue stress on the suspension and the failure of three units so equipped in the field resulted in termination of that design branch.

The T800 series of endoskeleton was in pre-planning but SKYNET needed a small unit support element before the T800 would ever see production. In a fit of desperation, SKYNET took a standard T500 and removed the forearm and manipulators from the design. In place of each forearm and hand, SKYNET incorporated dual rapid pulse phased plasma guns in a single combined mount with dedicated power leads and extra capacity fuel cells. The dual weapon mount housed a M95A1 plasma gun and a coaxial M20-A plasma gun, both stripped down to their component elements and packaged in a cooling sleeve that prevented overheating. A high intensity white spot light was mounted as part of the weapon pod and could provide white light illumination along the same path that the weapon pod was being aimed. An alternate active infra-red source projector was also mounted in the pod and used to illuminate areas when the white spot might give the unit away.

The power supply of the T500-T was also upgraded, being moved higher up in the frame and used the same unit found in the T500R -B model. Dedicated power and high flow fuel leads to the heavy plasma guns were attached at the bottom of the weapon mount and linked to the rear chassis of the unit by a flexible armored coil cable a meter and a half long and three centimeters in diameter. The armored cables were the one weak link in the design as severe damage to the cables would prevent the plasma guns from operating or lead to feedback that could damage or destroy the unit. The cables, though armored, were highly susceptible to the effects of explosions, both proximity and especially contact.

Another weakness was found in a initial design parameter specifying only two centimeters of superalloy armor plating on the rear power cradle housing. This parameter was changed after several T500-T units were lost to Resistance sharp shooters who engaged the units from behind, targeting the somewhat weaker armor plating protecting the hydrogen power cell. The modified production parameter called for three and a quarter centimeters thickness which proved more than adequate at protecting the hydrogen power cell in field trials and actual combat.

In order to offset the increased mass of the larger power cell which had been moved up and to the rear, the T500-T had a chassis modification that made it stoop forward and walk with a slight but noticeable lope. This stance, along with the enlarged armored shell on its back housing the larger power supply gave the unit the nickname of "Hunchback" among Resistance units. The nickname "tank" was also used on occasion, though the nomenclature is unclear except as a possible reference to the heavier armament.

The electronics of the unit were also upgraded to allow for multiple targeting and multiple target engagement (a protocol that would not be implemented on a series wide basis until the introduction of the T800 series years later). The CPU was aided by two high speed co-processors, each controlling fully all the functions of one weapon system of the T500-T model. In the event of the loss of a co-processor, the main CPU could take over the load of weapons management but at reduced efficiency. The optic sensor arrays were enhanced with faster motion tracking and rapid target lock sequencers.

A total of 1800 T500-T models were produced and with the introduction of the T800-T models years later, the older T500-T models were relegated to installation defense and rear echelon resource raiding operations. By the time of the Final Victory, only 397 T500-T units remained in operational service, with another 48 awaiting repair and parts in depots scattered throughout the Occupied Territories.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 20 Dec 2005 20:20 
Warrant Officer 1
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SKYNET began its first anthropomorphic HK designs with the T200, but the initial trials with this model proved disastrous. A quick design, intended to (very) roughly imitate humanoid abilities and to provide a stop-gap measure of defending SKYNET facilities until production could be brought up to full capacity for larger, much more powerful units that were in the production files.

Under-developed production facilities meant poor quality T200 series HK units. In addition, the surviving stocks of high energy (phased plasma) small arms were rapidly diminishing as Resistance units organized and raided military bases and armories, liberating the powerful energy weapons for use against SKYNET. SKYNET was forced to arm what T200s it could with the remaining GE plasma rifles and the rest with standard, outdated kinetic energy ballistic slug throwers, mostly M16A5 assault rifles, a limited number of Mossberg military shotguns and 9mm Beretta automatic pistols (some used in a dual manner).

Slow, unbalanced, under-powered, and easily defeated. The T200 soon came to be known to the Resistance as a "Stickman" or "Tin-man" due to its narrow, inhuman shape and large sensor array atop the shoulders. Armor was light on such a narrow frame, and redundant systems were almost non-existent ensuring that any critical damage would cause the complete combat loss of the unit. The unit was a quick and cheap stop-gap measure, a model designed to provide SKYNET time to implement more efficient designs. Hyperalloy materials were just being developed by SKYNET so the T200 was armored with more primitive ceramic and composite materials as well as crude ballistic cloth, giving a tattered, ragged look to the unit which generated an additional name from some of the Resistance units; "Scarecrow."

A good hit from large caliber, small arms fire (in excess of 5.56mm standard NATO specification) could cripple or destroy a T200 unit. The sensor array was particularly vulnerable and Resistance units quickly discovered this weakness, using a variety of close combat and long ranged sniper based attacks aimed directly at the delicate sensor array. T200 units which had their sensor array damaged or destroyed either shut down and stood in place, or short circuited and walked around, bumping into buildings, debris, etc. until the Resistance destroyed the unit or the fourteen day capacity high endurance power cell was depleted. Resistance units were recorded as actively forming hunting groups to venture out from the ruins, to hunt T200 units in order to steal weapons and ammunition, even the crude armor. The T200s proved to be such easy kills that Resistance snipers in skyscrapers could destroy a patrolling T200 and in a matter of less ten minutes, street scavengers would have picked the unit clean of any usable parts and equipment.

In all, 14,200 T200 units were produced and deployed in the West and North West pacification sectors. By the time of the final field trials and the ramp up to production of the much more advanced T600 units, less than a hundred T200 units were still reporting as operating at efficient levels and another fifty-five were in depots awaiting spare parts or complete rebuilding. SKYNET decided to scrap the T200 model in favor of the more powerful T600 and a viable design for a anthropomorphic HK unit was relegated to secondary processing for the time being. The only advantages to the anthropomorphic design of the T200 that SKYNET deduced were mobility, target following capability, infiltration capacity, and the ability to operate and use Resistance equipment / weapons.

By 2017, a new version of the T200 had been produced from the old templates. Used only within SKYNET's huge manufacturing facilities and installations, the T202 handled delicate repair and maintenance work and had all combat capacity stripped from its programming. T202 units approximated technicians and mechanics, becoming the hands and eyes of SKYNET on the assembly lines, production units, as well as in doing maintenance and repairs to vital systems. Some T202 units were mounted on special wheeled chassis, while others had a simple dual rubber tread assembly, each replacing the two anthropomorphic leg units completely. The T202 was joined by an upgraded model in 2018, the T204, which had better mobility, more advanced firmware, four highly manipulative arms arranged in a radial pattern around the main torso. Each arm ended in a micromanipulator capable of precision work throughout the full movement range, and more autonomous capacity in its duties.


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