The World of The Gunny

The Wasted World of Gunnery Sergeant DeShane
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 Post subject: Stargate meets Fallout
PostPosted: 07 Jan 2007 19:00 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
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Location: Wandering the Wastes
Here is a wee bit of whimsy I have been toying with, to me TRUE fan-fic, for Stargate and Fallout. :bs

Part One: Vault 13

Jack O'Neill stepped through the rolling Vault 13 door and heard the scraping of it closing behind him. He turned quickly to try to get back inside, but to no avail. The heavy barrier had sealed and locked him out. He pressed the control panel - he wanted to get back inside- but the voice through the box said 'We need that water chip,' or something like that, he did not much pay attention.

Shrugging, he glanced down and noticed the last Vault 13 dweller to attempt the trek into the wastelands. "He got really far." The pile of bones still contained remnants of the blue jumpsuit. Jack knelt beside the bones and sifted through them, locating a knife, a strange looking weapon, and some ammunition. "These could come in handy in case i run out of ammo for my P-90."

"Ow. Dammit!"

Something had bitten him on the ankle. He looked down and saw a hideously oversized, irradiated rat gnawing on his leg. He kicked the thing away and found that it had been killed and could not return to nibble again. Contented with his accomplishment he wandered along, but met with another rat. He kicked this one as well, but not as hard as the first it seems, this one tried again, but he slashed at it with his commando knife and succeeded in taking its life as well.

Damn rats. Where did these things come from anyway? Four more approached and he figured he needed something more than just his feet and combat knife to fight them off, so he put his P-90 to his shoulder and proceeded to let off precise three round bursts. But it seemed these irradiated rats were tougher than normal rats. No matter, he continued firing with the P-90, finally killing all four of the rats.

How many of these things are there? He turned around and saw another five rats heading in his direction. With a combination of fire from the P-90 and some kicks thrown in for good measure, these five ceased to breathe also. He continued fighting the rats until he saw no more. Then he counted, twenty-six in all. "That's a lot of rats." Jack said to himself.

No matter now. All the rats were dead, it was time to venture into the wastelands. Jack walked out of the cave and found himself with a facefull of hot, bright sunlight. He shielded his eyes, squinting into the sun.

He then looked down at his clothing, "Man, this is the ugliest thing I have ever seen." He plucked at the blue jumpsuit with yellow trim The vault dwellers had forced hin to wear. He however, seemed to have forgotten about the large, yellow, number 13 on his back. Shrugging, having nothing else to wear anyway, and they had let him keep his weapons and web gear, he located his sunglasses in one of the jumpsuit's pockets, slid them into place and began his walk to the East across the hot sands of the wastelands.

If you want to see it continued, just let me know. :ac

Cheers, Thorgrimm

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

Last edited by Þórgrímr on 10 Jan 2007 13:01, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: 08 Jan 2007 06:30 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Part Two: Shady Sands and Vault 15

The hot wasteland sun beat down, hard; his feet sore from walking the harsh desert sands and hardpan, finally, after several days, he came to a small town. A nice man greeted him at the entrance. Jack put his P=90 away; why he had carried it in his hands for the entire trip to this town, he could not be sure, probably as a precaution not knowing this world, wherever it was located in the galaxy. However, this nice man was offering to tell him about the town and some problems they have been having.

"Tell me about the radscorpions," Jack said, not sure why he really wanted to know.

The man at the entrance described a cave or nest of over-sized scorpions with a nasty sting that could irradiate you if you were not careful.

"Um, why don't I get back to you on that one." The thought of facing some pretty tough bugs was not appealing after a three day hike in the desert. Maybe this nice lady has some other information. Jack turned to the pretty lady on the other side of the entrance.

"Hi. What can I do for you?" she asks.

"Tell me about yourself and this place."

"Well, I live here in Shady Sands. Been here all my life. It's pretty quiet most of the time."

"That's interesting, thanks. I think I'll just have a look around."

Jack wandered around the small town, wandering through the buildings, and talking to the people of this unusual village. While he was wandering around the village he met a man named Ian thinking of the radscorpions, had asked him to help him out.

"Hell yeah, I'm looking for some 'action' and want to get out of Shady Sands. I only stopped here to heal after a pretty hefty bang up with some Raiders." Ian enthusiastically agreed with Jack's request for help.

*Great, since I have to get rid of this giant-scorpion problem, you'll be plenty of help!"

"However," Ian began, "there may be a couple of towns south of here that may be able to help you with that quest of yours. We could head there after we've cleared up the bug problem in this town.*

Jack, and his new-found-friend entered a large building in the center of the town and met a girl named Tandy.

"hello stranger, my father, Aradesh, is the leader of the town and might have something he would like for you to help us with."

"Sure, great, give me MORE work to do. I'm trying to find this Water Chip.... come on."

"Thanks, Tandy. So, where can I find your father?" Jack asked.

"He's right over there." Tandy pointed to the corner.

Jack crossed to the old man and was greeted warmly. "Greetings. Welcome to Shady Sands. What brings you here?" the man spoke in a soft, light tone.

Jack thought to himself, Well, you sound a lot like that guy Antonio from the show Wings, for starters. Jack answered, "Aradesh, I'm looking for a water chip."

"We have nothing of that sort here. But, I would like your help with someting."

"Sure, I have plenty of time." Jack says sarcastically.

"We have a radscorpion problem."

"Heard about that."

"So you will help us?"

"Sure, why not."

"Thank you. Talk to Seth at the entrance. He will tell you what you need to know."

"Thanks." Jack replied. A scent drifted past his nose, not the most appealing, but he decided to check it out anyway. He walked toward the smell and saw a woman preparing a meal. "Hmmm. That smells really good."

"Thank you," she replied.

"You must be a great cook."

"The best in town. Would you like some?"

"Sure." Jack almost regretted agreeing, but not eating could be considered rude. Hey maybe some of those lectures from Daniel were sticking in this brain of his.

The woman handed him a bowl and he took a bite. It wasn't all that bad. He ate some more, then handed the bowl to Ian. "Eat up, buddy, we've got a long trip."

"No Molerat stew for me thanks."

"Did you say RAT stew?" Jack looked decidedly green about the gills now.

"Molerat stew to be precise." Ian added.

Jack was about to give Ian the what for when he noticed the nice lady looking at him, "It was nice," he quickly added and then headed back outside to wander around some more.

One building he entered, he was greeted by a man named Razlo. He said he was the doctor of the town and could make some radscorpion antidote if he had a sample of the venom.

"Well, that's a... Hey... ahem, I'll bring you a sample, I'm gonna head off to kick some radscorpion butt pretty soon. I'll see what I can do," Jack offered.

"Great! Thank you." Razlo seemed excited and returned to his work.

Jack rummaged the shelf and took everything but the doctor's bag. He didn't need that now anyway. He'd come back and get it later. Calmly, he walked out of the doctor's place and back into the main square, Ian planted on his six. That man is going to annoy me. Jack thought to himself. "Hey, Ian."

"Yeah, man?"

"I need to change position."

"Whaddya need?"

"Back off just a little."

"You bet."

Jack wandered some more about the town and came across a farmer seemingly ripping his hair about because his fields aren't doing as well as he would like. Jack talks with the farmer for a while, then suggests he try crop-rotation to keep the fields from exhausting their nutrients.

"Damn, Carter must be rubbing off on me," Jack grumbles as he walks away from the farmer.

In Jack's continued exploration of the town and its buildings and shelves he locates a rope, figuring it will come in handy, he decided to hold onto it. In one building he found a couple books on wilderness survival. These could be really useful, he thought to himse;lf. He picks these up, then decides to read them... and discovers, when he's finished, the books disappear completely.

"What the... that is the strangest thing. That never happened before. What if I wanted to read that again?"

Someone tapped him on the shoulder. Looking back he saw it was Ian, "What is it, Ian?"

"We should get going."

"Yeah." Jack glanced at his PIPBoy, (the funny primitive thing that passes for a computer on this world the Vault Overseer gave him to keep track of his travels and such) "You're right. Let's move out."

"Where we going first?"

"Vault 15. Maybe there's something there I can change into. I need to get out of this stupid jumpsuit." Jack and Ian took off running toward the entrance of Shady Sands, darted under the entry arch and headed out across the wastelands again.

Jack and Ian spend several days wandering the flat, sandy wastelands to finally reach the entry to the vault, covered by a small, dilapidated shack.

"I wonder what's in there that vault?" Ian asks.

"Let's go take a look." Jack walks up to the door and peers inside. Nothing but a hole in the ground and a ladder leading down. "Come along, Ian." Jack and Ian climb down the ladder and are met by more of those radiated rats.

"I SO hate these things," Jack spat out.

"Me too. Oh, be careful, if you are bitten by too many, you'll get radiated."

"Oh, sure, NOW someone tells me that!" Jack shakes his head and starts pummelling rats again. *Hey, Ian, you wanna help me out here? And stop wasting your bullets on these rats!" having wasted too many already himself back in Vault 13's entry way.

Having cleared all the rats away one more time in a dark cave, Jack and Ian make there way to the Vault entrance. "Nice of someone to have left the door open for us," Jack commented on the heavy, metal door laying on the cavern floor.

They entered the Vault and killed a few more rats, Jack then began to rummage through the wall lockers, finding only some flares. "These will come in handy...." He stuffed them in his pack and continued further inside the Vault.

"More rats. I'm beginning to hate these little buggers." He soon ate his words when a large, brown monster of a rat came around the corner. "A little help here, Ian. And bring your gun!" Jack called, kicking the hell out of the large rat, then running away several steps, causing the rat to have to walk forward to attack. Allowing him time to switch back to his P-90.

Ian fired a couple shots, then Jack fired a three round burst, and finally the Giant MoleRat was dead.

"That thing bit my arm," Jack griped, examining the deep scratches in his right forearm. He tore the sleeves off his jumpsuit and wrapped his wounds; no sense using a stimpak when it was not necessary. "You all right, Ian?" Jack called to his friend, wandering around the first floor of the Vault, locating a locker in what looked like it was once the infirmary.

"Yep. No sweat, man."

"Glad you thought it was so much fun." Jack rummaged the wall locker and found some medical supplies. "These will come in handy."

He left the infirmary area and wandered around, inspecting the broken computer terminals, then found an elevator shaft, guarded by the little rats. He and Ian eliminated those with ease, compared to the Giant Molerat fight.

"Ian, you still have that rope?" Jack asked, staring blindly down the adandoned elevator shaft.

"Right here." Ian handed the rope to Jack.

For the first time, Jack noticed Ian's clothing... a pair of blue jeans and a black leather jacket over a white T-shirt. "How come he has those and all I have is this stupid jumpsuit?" Jack thought dismally to himself. Jack shook his head and descended the rope to level two.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007 13:06 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Part Three: Vault 15

'Great, more rats.' Jack thought as he and Ian made their way through the level, killing all the rats, trying to avoid getting too many bites. Ian's pretty good with that gun he has, but he uses way too many bullets. Crazy man should fight with his fists.

"So, now what, Jack?" Ian tucked his pistol away.

"Guess we ransack the place." Jack searched the lockers and found an unused leather jacket and trousers. While He was putting them on he thought to himself, much better than that stupid jumpsuit. "Whaddya think, Ian?"

"Eh, not bad, Jack. You look like a true 'Road Warrior'," Ian responded.

"Great." Jack then grabbed the rope and other goodies from the locker, then rummaged around and snagged the box of bullets in the back of the locker.

He did a quick once over again of the various bones and piles of rocks, then made his way back to the second elevator shaft, dropped the rope and shimmied down to the third level.

When they reached the bottom of the elevator shaft they saw more rats, including one of those Giant Molerats.

"Hope your ready, Ian," Jack called, readying his commando knife and, if needed, his P-90 for battle.The battle was waged for several minutes, but finally, the Molerat was dead and Ian and Jack went on to battle the smaller rats to clear their way.

In his exploration of this level of the vault Jack located some ammunition in one of the abandonded rooms, which he added to his collection. In what appeared to be an old locker room, he found some dynamite and other weapons and a rope. "Does everybody on this planet only use wall lockers for storage?" Jack asked Ian.

"Yep, pretty much. Sometimes you can find stuff in old crates or bookshelves." Ian responded.

Exiting this room and rounding a corner he was disheartened by the fact that he would not be able to locate a water chip in this vault, the way had been blocked by a cave-in. "Oh for cryin' out loud!" Jack rubbed his forehead and turned to walk to the other end of the corridor. "Ow! What the..." He looked down and noticed he had kicked something, a rusty crowbar. He added this to his inventory. 'Perfect, if I ever need to pry something open, I have the perfect tool.' Jack thought as his mood became more dismAL.

"More rats over here, Jack." Ian was ready to annihilate more rodents at a moment's notice. Jack sauntered over to the corner to help Ian pick off the rats. He then made his way into the computer room, killing rats more rats along the way, and located another wall locker, retrieving the goodies from it too.

*This stuff is starting to get heavy. I might have Ian carry some of it in a little bit.* jack thought eyeing Ian. "See anything else we need to punch, shoot, or otherwise maim, Ian?"

"Nope. Think we got 'em all."

"Let's move out." Jack and Ian returned to the surface and began the trek back towards Shady Sands.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007 17:27 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Part Four, RadScorpion Caves

When they arrived back at Shady Sands Ian and Jack wearily brushed the sand off, dumped it out of their boots weapons and underwear. "Damn sand gets everywhere". Jack Said grumpily as he stood at the entrance to the town shaking sand out of his hair for fifteen minutes.

Jack asked Seth when they finished cleaning out all the sand, the man at the entrance, to show him to the RadScorpion caves, he wanted to help them out with that problem so he can continue on his way.

"Man, are you crazy? Do you have any idea how many are in that cave?" Ian said dragging his feet, not wanting to accompany Jack on this particular errand.

"Ian, come on. Look, I'll even give you some stimpaks and another weapon. Just try not to shoot ME with it." Jack thrust a .10mm pistol into Ian's hands, along with a few rounds of ammo and a couple of stimpaks.

"Fine," Ian grumbled and followed.

You know Ian you're worse than Daniel. He'll at least come along, he'll want to look at rocks, but he'll come along." Jack shook his head and followed the directions given him by Seth.

They walked for almost an hour and came to the mouth of the cave. "Jack, I'm not liking the looks of this place."

"Ian, if you don't stop, just come on. How hard can it be to kill a few over-sized scorpions?"

Jack and Ian entered the cave slowly, Jack going into tactical mode with his P-90 at the ready in the pocket of his shoulder. Jack noticed that one of the walls appeared weaker than the others. "Guess we could drop some C-4 there and bring down the entrance of the cave." He stated while pointing toward the wall.

"Yeah. Why don't we do that?" Ian found this idea much more appealing.

"We can't yet, because I need a sample of the poison for Razlo to make antidote." Jack waved forward. "Let's move out."

Winding their way through the gloomy, musty, damp caves, they finally encountered a nest of RadScorpions. Jack, not wanting to take a chance, decided it was better to shoot them rather than attempting a close up engagement and risking being poisoned. He took aim at what appeared to be the alpha of the nest by its attempt to engage them before the others, and fired off a three round burst between the eyestalks, he assumed that is where he assumed the scorpion's brain would be. He was rewarded with a gruesome sight of the scorp's brains exiting its carapace and then it dropped like a stone. Jack came up with the plan, on the fly, to have Ian shoot the smaller ones while jack engaged any adults who tried to attack them. The battle waged for several minutes, and even with tactical withdrawls they were both stung a couple of times, but fortunately, they were not poisoned.

When all the scorpions had perished Jack snagged the tails and he and Ian then high-tailed it back to the mouth of the cave. Jack set and laid a quarter pound brick of C-4, then the two hot-footed it out of that cave and dove into the sand, face-first, covering their heads from the explosion.

"Okay, now that that's finished, let's head back and talk to Aradesh again." Jack stood and brushed some of the sand from himself. He located his canteen and took a drink, then handed it to Ian.

"I'm all for getting away from RadScorpions. Raiders, thieves, bullies I can deal with, but big bugs - no thanks."

"Right. I'll remember that."

The two men trudged back across the hot sands and into town to tell Aradesh that the scorpions were no longer a problem, then they went off to see Doc Razlo for some antidote once he made it.

When Jack was about to leave Doc Razlo's office he noticed a man moaning in pain in the back room. He went to the man to see iof he could help in some way, and he noticed the man had a stinger puncture in his right arm. Remembering the stings the RadScorpions had given him he gave him a dose of the antidote he had just recieved, Jack had 2. The man felt better and thanked Jack profusely for his kindness.

"No problem." Jack rose and exited the doctor's building. "Allright, Ian, where to now?"

"Junktown's good. Nice town, nice people, good stuff."

"Great. Off we go."

Jack and Ian said their farewells to Shady Sands and headed off to Junktown.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 22 Jan 2007 01:40 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Part Five; Junktown

On the way to this Junktown Ian had told him about Jack decided he needed to get more information so he and Ian spent quite a while chatting about Junktown during their walk. "Oh, a piece of advice, don't get caught sneaking around Junktown," Ian offered.

"Really? Why not?" Jack inquired, munching on a strange fruit.

"It could get you landed in jail's why not. They're real particular about stuff like that there. Just watch your back."

"Good advice, Ian. Good advice." Jack tossed the core of the fruit he was eating away and wiped off his hands on his trousers.

Several hot, burning miles later, they were attacked by a pack of RadScorpions. "Oh, not these things again," Ian sighed, drawing his gun and shooting at the nearest over-sized, radiated, scorpion. Jack smirked and took several shots with his P-90 at the scorpion nearest him. He glanced around, getting a lay of the land, and counting the scorpions - only four. Howver, there was no where to run and hide, just miles and miles of sand as far as the eye could see.

The two men fought and finally defeated the scorpions, Jack decided to snag the tails for sale at a later time. He had a feeling they would need bigger and better weapons later on, if he was ever going to find this water chip the Vault Dwellers needed. "We're becoming old-hands at this, Ian."

"Yeah. Sure. Keep those things away from me."

*Wuss.* Jack thought as he shook his head, retrieved a dropped knife and started walking again.


When they finally arrived at the gated entrance to Junktown, Ian and Jack had to stop and talk with a guard who told them it was okay to head on in, but to watch themselves. Jack nodded an agreement to the guard and crossed into the ramshackle town.

Noticing another guard just inside, he decided that to get any solid information he would need to talk to everyone he possibly could, so went to the other guard to say hello. From this guard he learned about a gang in town that was being a real pain in the backside, where to buy supplies, and where he could get some rest. All in all a good deal of information, it all sounded good, he had even agreed to feed any information he got to Lars here, if he happened across anything that would be helpful to Junktown.

Supplies sounded good, knowing he needed to stock up on some 9mm JHP, so he made his way to Killian Darkwater's store. "I'd like to buy some things," Jack stated plainly.

"Well, that's a damn fine coincidence. That's what this store's here for. Let me show you what I've got." Jack and Killian chattered back and forth, discussing prices and such, and finally decide on a deal. Jack unloaded his scorpion tails and some other useless stuff and in return got some ammunition and a couple of pistols in return.

While they were finishing the trade some lunatic came marching in with a sniper rifle and took a shot at Killian. Killian dove down behind his desk and pulled out his 10mm pistol and took a shot at the man, hitting him in the shoulder.

As soon as the lunatic put the rifle into view Jack dove for the floor and did a roll over his right shoulder coming up in a kneeling position and aiming squarely at the intruder. Jack was surprised Killian was armed till he remembered in his conversation that Killian was the mayor and sheriff of the town. Just as jack squeezed off a three round burst Ian decided to take a couple of potshots, and Ian being Ian, came closer to hitting Jack than the intruder. Eventually Killian and Jack finally Killed the assassin.

While Jack was reloading he looked at Ian and said, "Do you ever hit anything besides me with your weapon?"

"yep, all the time man."

"you could have fooled me." Jack shot back.

"Thanks for all your help," Killian said to Jack. Then continued, "Now, I was wondering if you'd like to help me out with something else? This guy, Gizmo, has been giving me a hard time and I need evidence to put him away."

*Man, WHY do you look so familiar to me?* Jack thought, since he had been staring at Killian the whole time, but could not figure it out; he was also hoping Killian did not think he was crazy with him staring the way he was. "Um, sure, yeah. Whaddya need?"

"You've gotta wear a wire, or plant this bug in Gizmo's office. Either way, let me know when you've got the confession."

"Sure. I think I can handle that. No problem." Jack accepted the wire and the bug, then headed off to find Gizmo, and on his way out, he stopped and asked Killian, "Killian ole buddy, you mind if I take what this man has on him worth any value?"

Sure, be my guest you helped kill him, so you should share the spoils." Killian replied back. Jack then proceeded to loot the body of the assassin, snatching the sniper rifle, ammo, and money.

"You are one strange man, you know that, Jack?" Ian stated.

"Yeah? You're afraid of large bugs, so I think we're even," Jack spat back. This guy was starting to bug him.

Just after Jack spotted Gizmo's place, he noticed a man being terrorized by an angry-looking dog. Taking a slight detour, Jack approached the man. "What's going on?"

"That dog, he won't let us back into our house!" the man exclaimed.

"Hmm." Jack crossed to the dog, who immediately vacated his post in front of the door and began following Jack. "That was easy enough."

"Man, that dog is a menace. I wouldn't let him with in slapping range." The man then retreated into his house.

Jack shrugged. The dog looked harmless enough to him. "What's your name, boy?" Jack asked, bending down to scratch behind the dog's ear.

"Woof!" replied the dog.

"All right. Whatever, Dogmeat. Come on." Jack turned and headed back toward Gizmo's place.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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